Long time no see
Chances are that you're here because you're looking for an old anime website. It's not online anymore but I appreciate you coming by. It means that you remember it, even all these years later.
And it's been a lot of years. I was a kid then and I'm an adult now, and if you remember my site, it's probably the same for you. It was a lifetime ago, and that's my point. It was a lifetime ago and yet here you are.
So while you're here, I want to say thank you. Thank you for liking my website back in the day, and thank you for still thinking of it now. ♥
It's really nice of you to visit. I hope you're well and that the universe is being kind to you. And because you came here for anime, because of stories you loved and brought you joy, I hope you continue to find stories that capture your heart and make your imagination soar.
"Stories live by being read, and grow by being shared; may you never lose your love of them." - Etharei
Till next time...
♥ Pan